Renovación del Parque Sendero a corredor de espacio publico desde el punto de vista de “invitaciones” con el fin de fomentar la vida urbana en Tauramena – Casanare
Alarcón Martínez, Julián Andrés | 2019
Studies suitable for interventions carried out in public spaces are ignored or have been left
aside for several years, theories of authors such as (Borja & Muxi, 2000), (Delgado, 1997), (Gehl
& Gemzøe, 2002), (Jacobs, 1961), among others that affect the pedestrian's relationship with the
city and the public space, express their dissatisfaction with the new public spaces projected in
recent decades and the lifestyle they foster, usually decontextualized spaces from the place,
outside the walker and devastating of urban life, there are plenty of cities.
Designing appropriate urban spaces from the study of contextual interactions requires
correct analysis and diagnosis of the urban dynamics of the place, through surveys, gauging and
other tools, these dynamics that occur in space have been understood from some postulates of
urbanism public, resulting in six concepts of invitations from the approaches of identity, physical
and symbolic, which have been carried out in the proposal of the Corredor de espacio público for
the city Tauramena.